Reflections Winners 2017-2018


We are pleased to announce with you the Reflections winners from our schools. Some of the winners were also chosen as winners of the county and will go on to be judged and hopefully go to Regional. The talent our students have is amazing! We are very proud of all who participated and also thankful to the teachers (art) that encouraged our students to enter into the Reflection contest.

Primary School

Visual Arts
Leonora Orellanan Anton
Lindsey Schneider
Minka Beisel
Ivan Thol
Evelyn Lily Bond

Rocco Hynes
Alexandria Eisele
Minka Beisel
Eva Beisel


Visual Arts
Logan Lester
Benjamin Schneider
Hannah Devrieze
Cadence Kretschmer

Syren Kimball
Kara Fries

Sheaana Hugg
Delimar Hugg
Colyn Farrug
Abby Fox

Music Composition
Nathan Woelkers

Middle School

Visual Arts
Emily Gunuskey
Jocelyn DeMoie
Mike Oldham
Sawyer Palmer
Austin Borsdam

Emma Modrovsky



Reflections Winners 2019-2020

Posted on: Nov 18, 2019

We are excited to announce the Reflections winners from our schools.

PTA Reflections 2019-2020

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Reflections Winners 2018-2019

Posted on: Nov 28, 2018

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PTA Reflections 18-19

Posted on: Sep 23, 2018

PTA Reflections 18-19

Amazon Smile

Posted on: Sep 3, 2018

amazon smile


  • PTA

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